Start your blog in 30 minutes - Complete Guide
That’s great, nowadays it’s very easy to get a website up and running in a matter of a few minutes
If you are serious about becoming a pro blogger, then you need to get started on the right path. A wrong move now, can become a serious roadblock later on.
The entire process of getting your blog setup and ready should only take you about 30 minutes. After that your blog will be online and ready for you to start blogging! Before you can start blogging there are five things you need to do:
There’s five main steps you need to go through in order to set up a blog. If you follow this guide and the five steps, you’ll have your own blog set up in 30 minutes or less. It’s nowhere near as difficult as setting up a website from scratch. There’s no coding required by you. Good news, huh?
The 4 Easy Steps to Starting a Blog:
- Choose your preferred blogging platform
- Choose web hosting for your blog
- Setting up a blog on your own domain
- Designing your blog
1.Choose your preferred blogging platform
Today, there are several blogging platforms to suit various writing styles. It depends on whether one wants to do casual blogging or run a professional blog. I have tried including different publishing platforms with an intent to help every reader relate to my post. There are sites available for professional bloggers allowing to own their own domain name for the blog. Besides, there are certain blog sites which focus on other aspects, such as search engine optimization, Google analytic, online design tools and other software applications that make your blog look much better. I have covered each one of them offering the latest features.
2. WordPress
- Super easy set-up and is free to use
- Tons of free themes and layouts (I’m not kidding, there’s gazillions).
- There’s a massive support forum in case you get stuck (you won’t, but it’s nice to have it there if you need it).
- Your blog will be insanely fast and it’ll also look Functionality and form – perfect!
- People can interact with you easily. Your content can be shared, commented on, and so on.
3. Tumblr
- Multiple Services
I have multiple services with a simple click, which is a great time saver. I have the option to stay in touch with my readers on Facebook, Twitter and WordPress by posting everything simultaneously through Tumblr.
- Post via Mobile
It truly is easy to post via my mobile device with an Android Tumblr app. As a matter of fact, that is how I started my Tumblr blog with my app in less than 10 minutes!
- Tumblr Themes
Tumblr’s custom themes flow with my creative juices because they are super easy to select and upload. You can watch the video below to see what I mean.
- Allow Others To Post
I can allow others to post to my Tumblr roll after queuing and approving them, of course.
- Analytics
I can easily integrate my analytics. If you have a google analytics account, you simply edit your theme and put the GA script in there. That is always very cool for widening wallet.
2.Choose web hosting for your blog
Hopefully by this point you’ll have decided to proceed with using WordPress as your blogging platform. If that is the case, you’ll now need to set up a web host.
Your web host is basically the storage space where you upload your website’s files to. I’ve written a guide on how to set up web hosts here before, but it’s relatively straight forward – you just need to go to a host like Bluehost and create an account (I thoroughly recommend Bluehost – I’ve used them to host many websites over years, and they’ve been great).
3.Setting up a blog on your own domain
I’m going to push ahead based on the premise you’ve chosen WordPress, and if you haven’t, you should. Seriously, it’s the best.
If you’re still a little confused by what a self-hosted blog is, allow me to explain and how you can go about setting one up for yourself.
You’ll need to come up with a domain name you like and also choose a hosting company that can host your blog.
- Domain:
The domain is basically the URL of your website. Examples: ( is the domain), ( is the domain). See? Simple!
- Hosting:
Hosting is basically the company that puts your website up on the internet so everyone else can see it. Everything will be saved on there. Think of it as a computer hard-drive on the internet where your blog will be saved.
4.Designing your blog
I usually choose something that looks professional and pretty easy to customise. WordPress also has this awesome feature that allows you to change themes with just a few clicks. So if you start getting tired of your current blog template, you can just switch to another one without losing any precious content or images.
Remember, your blog’s design should reflect both you and your personality, but also what the blog is about. There’s no point having a football-orientated theme if your blog is about tennis, understand?
On top of that, it should be easy to navigate if you want people to stick around. If it’s tricky and difficult to move around it, people won’t stay. Design is a subjective art; meaning everyone likes different things.
But no one likes ugly websites, and they especially hate websites that need a university degree to navigate. Make it easy for them.
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